$95 Income Tax Return
If you are a rideshare/taxi business owner, earning less than $ 66,000 per year and you have all your business transactions recorded. The Green Light package is perfect for you. Get your income tax out of the way for 2019 at an extremely affordable price.
Why is it so affordable?
We have decades worth of experience thus we are able to refine our process to be extremely efficient. We utilize modern day technology to cut down costs. We have eliminated unnecessary and expensive face to face meetings. We have distilled our process and passed on the saving to clients who simply want their income tax to be completed without any add-on's. All of this put together means massive savings for you.
How will it work?
1. Contact us and book in your place for the 2019 income tax return
2. At the end of March we will send you a form to complete. This form will ask for all the information we will need to complete your income tax return.
3. Complete the form fully and return it to us.
4. Once your income return is complete we will notify you.
5. Once payment is made. You will receive your tax return virtually by one of our accountants
Please note: Due to popular demand a $20 booking fee will be charged. this booking fee is non refundable. Offer is for a limited time. Number of bookings are limited. Offer will expire when booking number limit has been reached.